Thank you for partnering with us! Your participation in Love Life Marketplace provides ways for the local churches to bring the light of the gospel to the darkest places in their city. To give you a few ideas of what your contribution could mean...
$5000/mo. provides a way for a dedicated Love Life team member in Washington.
$4000/mo. mobilizes an average of 40 churches and hundreds of people into prayer and ministry through the course of a year
$2000/mo. trains volunteers and supplies materials to use at prayer walks and on the sidewalks
$1000/mo mobilizes, trains, and equips an average of 12 churches in a year
$500/mo. mobilizes, trains, and equips an average of 6 churches in a year
You are investing in the PROVEN Love Life model that is changing the culture of churches, businesses, and communities to one of LOVE and LIFE. What one Love Life team can do in one mission field with $150,000 is often more than many non-profits can do with multi-million dollar budgets.
To discuss other giving options or for support, please email or call (704) 289-0770, option 82.